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Bishop Douglass Catholic School

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What Our Staff Say

Our staff are our most valuable resource, and as such we take great pride in investing in them, to ensure the best outcomes for students. Find out for yourself what our staff members value the most in their career at Bishop Douglass School, and their experience so far.

Amelia Yerburgh, Geography Teacher

Ms Yerburgh has been teaching at Bishop Douglass for two years and with her newly acquired Geography degree is keen to educate students on the connection between humans and the planet. She also wants to empower students to realise the impact their actions (both positive and problematic) can have on the world around them.

Ms Yerburgh believes that pupils enjoy coming to school because they make strong friendships grounded in a secure environment with stable routines in places which support them. Her future ambitions are to create an outdoor learning space to further reiterate the links between humans and the environment and to also make this space cross-curricular, to lessen the perceived ‘gaps’ between subjects.

The highlight of Ms Yerburgh’s career at Bishop Douglass has been completing a collaborative project with Bertha Earth Foundation. Students have completed a year-long programme of environmental workshops, culminating in a residential trip to Wales with Jamie’s Farm.

Ms Yerburgh has felt truly supported during her time at Bishop Douglass and commented:

“I have benefited from a thorough CPD programme throughout my time as a trainee. With both weekly sessions delivered by new and more experienced members of staff, trainees have been allowed an input in what we learn. I have also delivered a CPD session – reflecting how even trainee teachers are valued as worthy contributors to teacher development. I have had the pleasure of working with very patient, generous staff who have provided resources, advice and respite from what can be a challenging job. This school is made, in large part, by the fantastic and supportive staff who work here and I am incredibly grateful to have benefitted from fantastic role models in both a professional and personal sense".

Peter Harris, Head of Humanities & Professional Training Mentor

Mr Harris has worked at Bishop Douglass for 9 years and as well as his role as Head of Humanities he is also a Professional Training Mentor. He remembers the friendly nature of the school when he came to interview and after a brilliant response from the then Year 7 to act out the Battle of Stamford Bridge, he has never wanted to teach anywhere else.

Mr Harris believes that pupils enjoy coming to Bishop Douglass because they will make progress and get excellent results in the hands of dedicated and experienced teachers. Pupils know there is a contract; that their hard work will be matched by the commitment of the school. On top of this, pupils are rewarded with a large range of fieldwork, residential trips, clubs and experiences that will bring their learning to life.

Mr Harris’ future ambitions in both his roles include continuing to update and develop the humanities curriculum, and to see even closer links to current research and scholarship so that students are connected to the developments in their subjects. He would also like to take students on more trips outside of London to broaden their knowledge of the UK. In his role as professional mentor, Mr Harris would like to ensure that those that choose teaching as a career thrive in this environment.

Mr Harris has this to say about his time at Bishop Douglass:

“The highlight of my career has been seeing my first Year 7 that started with me in 2014 getting through the pandemic and then securing fantastic places at university. I was so impressed by their dedication and positive attitudes that will hold them in great stead for their careers. It has been great to hear back about how much they are enjoying higher education. The school has always supported me in finding a balance between my work commitments and family life and it’s one of the reasons I enjoy working here.”