Governing Body
The Governors have a wide range of responsibilities for the School including its overall values, the School Improvement Plan, the budget and staff appointments. The Archbishop of Westminster appoints foundation governors and all others are elected. The clerk is appointed by the Governors.
The Chair of the Governing Body, Mr Gerald Murphy, can be contacted via the school:
Mr Gerald Murphy, Chair of the Governing Body
c/o Bishop Douglass Catholic School
Hamilton Road
London N2 OSQ
Full Governing Body meetings take place every term.
To carry out our duties effectively we have established four committees each chaired by a leader elected by the governors:
Curriculum Committee (meeting once a term).
Pastoral and Ethos Committee (meeting once a term).
Finance, Premises and Personnel (meeting once a term).
Admissions (meeting at least annually).
Any correspondence to the Governing Body should be sent to:
The Clerk to the Governing Body
c/o Bishop Douglass Catholic School
Hamilton Road
London N2 OSQ
Foundation Governors
- Mr Gerald Murphy, Chair of Governors and Chair of Curriculum Committee and Chair of Pastoral and Ethos Committee
- Mrs Anne O'Shea, Vice Chair of Governors
- Mr John Asgian
- Canon Mehall Lowry
- Ms Verian Owens
- Vacancy x 2
Elected Parent Governors
- Ms Rianna Lowdell
- Mrs Makela Robertson
Mr Martin Tissot, Executive Headteacher
Staff Governors
- Mr Stephen O'Brien
Co-Opted Governors
- Sr Frances Cullen